IOS系统越狱失败后怎么办 !!
In the process of iOS 8.1.3-iOS 8.3 jailbreak, if jailbreak failed and error messages appear, you can follow instructions below for the meanings of codes and solutions.
Jailbreak process in the mobile phone screen and stuck in a white screen (different models of small probability problem), the user can be by pressing the home + power key to restart the jailbreak.
【 -1001 设备断开】
【 -1001 device disconnected】
It means your iDevice is disconnected from the computer during jailbreak. Don’t do anything on your iDevice during jailbreak and keep it plugged in. Use certified cables.
【 -1002 设备有密码保护】
【 -1002 device with passcode on】
It means passcode on your iDevice is turned on. To turn it off, go to Settings > Passcode.
【 -1003 程序数据被破坏】
【-1003 program data corrupted】
Re-download the jailbreak tool from, and make sure you have a good internet connection.
【-1004越狱失败 分为三种情况】
【-1004 Three conditions of jailbreak failure】
-1103 程序数据被破坏
-1103 program data corrupted
此问题为电脑导致,请更换一台电脑进行越狱操作。卡在 30%,首先检查 pc 和设备上有无后台程序抢占 cpu 资源,pc 上通过任务管理器观察一下即可,设备可以通过重启确认;其次连接设备的 usb 线和 pc 上的 usb 口也是影响因数之一,请尝试换个usb 口接入和 usb 数据线。
It was caused by computer. Please try on another computer. If jailbreak is stuck at 30%, firstly check whether background programs are preempting CPU resources by observing task manager on the computer. You can reboot the device to confirm. Secondly, change USB on the computer and USB cable connecting iDevice and the computer.
-1104 越狱失败
-1004 Three conditions of jailbreak failure
此问题为电脑导致,请更换一台电脑进行越狱操作。卡在 40%,首先检查 pc 和设备上有无后台程序抢占 cpu 资源,pc上通过任务管理器观察一下即可,设备可以通过重启确认;其次连接设备的 usb 线和 pc 上的 usb 口也是影响因数之一,请尝试换个 usb 口接入和 usb 数据线。
It was caused by computer. Please try on another computer. If jailbreak is stuck at 40%, firstly check whether background programs are preempting CPU resources by observing task manager on the computer. You can reboot the device to confirm. Secondly, change USB on the computer and USB cable connecting iDevice and the computer.
-1105 可能是受到杀毒软件的影响
-1105 it may be caused by antivirus software
卡在 50%,可能是受到杀毒软件的影响。请尝试关闭该软件在进行越狱。
If the jailbreak is stuck at 50%, it may be caused by antivirus software. Please try after turning off it.
【-1005 设备 打开了 查找我的iphone功能】
【-1005 Find My iPhone turned on】
To turn off Find My iPhone, go to Settings > iCloud.
【 -1006 设备已越狱】
【-1006 jailbroken device】
Your iDevice has been jailbroken.
【 -1007 设备未激活】
【-1007 device not activated】
Activate your iDevice before jailbreak.
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